Who We Are...

      USCCI is a nonprofit 
religious and charitable organization dedicated to meeting people's needs in health, education, and friendship, though people-to-people contacts and service, around the world. 
      Our group consists of Seventh Day Adventist doctors, dentists and health professionals that have graduated from Loma Linda University School of Dentistry and School of Medicine. 

Board of Directors: 

* Patricia Chu M.D. - President USCCI,  Graduate Loma Linda University School of Medicine.
Alice Wong PhD - Secretary/Treasurer USCCI, 
David Wong DDS - Director USCCI, Graduate Loma Linda University School of Dentistry.
Pam Simmons M.D. - Vice President Mission Services USCCI, Graduate Loma Linda University School of Medicine.
Sonja Tang M.D. - Mission Services USCCI, Graduate Linda University School of Medicine.
Duncan Leung M.D. - Graduate Loma Linda University School of Medicine.
Norman Wong M.D.
Tom Chen DDS - Graduate Loma Linda University School of Dentistry.

How Do We Do It ?

USCCI mobilizes and dispatches short-term medical, dental, and other healthcare teams. It recruits educator, teachers, and Christian workers to provide free services to people in China and other parts of the world. USCCI supports scholarships, language instruction, academic and cultural exchanges, and construction projects.

Our Mission is:

To relieve human pain and suffering...
To impart knowledge...
To model a healthful life-style...
To foster friendship between care-givers and care-recipients...
To allow the privileged and the underprivileged to learn from each other, to bridge across cultural and geographic barriers for the sake of peace and better understanding between nations...
To be channels of healing and hope to people in need through services at different levels in the spirit of Christian love.